Budget Instructions for 2019-20 Academic Year

Please note, we have continued with prior years’ reconfigured worksheets to streamline the process and provide you historical budget information related to your unit/s.

The worksheet will consist of (3) three budget preparation tabs for team units, and two (2) tabs for all other units. Revenue, Supplies & Expense, Travel, R&M and Capital on one; Special Requests to Receive Consideration will all be addressed on a separate tab. For teams, an additional tab will include Team Travel Season and Break period details.


The worksheets will provide you with FY19 Adopted Budget figures:

  • Review your Year to Date budget in Glez for any areas of concern based on the historical revenues/expenses. Any corrections to current year activity will be required before year-end (June 30, 2019).
  • Complete the Data entry field columns for Budget FY20 Proposed, Budget FY21 Pro forma, Budget FY22 Pro forma. Totals will calculate automatically including FY20 variance from prior year budget.
  • Please note all Capital items must be identified specifically on the Special Considerations tab. Capital items are generally those that have a unit value > $5,000. The University categorizes computers and furniture as capital items even if their value is less than $5,000.

All worksheets should be completed and saved to your Box folder by Friday, April 19 for discussion and approval. Meetings will be held to review and revise the line-item budgets in late April and early May and any approval of budget adjustments by the Director of Athletics will be finalized mid-May for submission to the University Budget Office.

If you have any questions/concerns about completing your budget worksheets, please call Garrick Aldridge at 1-7476.

Thank you for your efforts in this matter.